Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A few more patients

Kossin Delou


Post op

Dr Gary Parker (maxillofacial surgeon) screening Kossin

Just out of the OR

Kossin and his father - 3 weeks post op.

Sixteen-year-old, Kossin Delou, spent four years of his life sheltered by his family and kept out of the public eye due to an enormous tumor that dominated the left side of his face. When the tumor first appeared, Kossin visited local hospitals in Lomé, Togo. But his family could not afford the necessary surgery.
So, the tumor, which started from Kossin's upper jaw, continued to grow. It soon covered his eye, hindering his vision.
As the insidious growth enlarged, Kossin's life became more difficult. Kossin's father is a local pastor, and the church is an important part of his family life. But people viewed the tumor as a curse, so Kossin's shame prevented him from attending church.
In fact, the children who were once his friends now ridiculed him on the streets and at school. He even felt like an outsider among his own siblings.
His emotional turmoil intensified as his dream for his future began to fade away. Kossin wanted to study at a university to become a teacher. He wanted to enrich the lives of children with knowledge and love. His grotesque facial deformity would prevent him from pursuing his education.
Then Kossin came to our hospital ship, the Africa Mercy . After many hours of surgery, he emerged with a newly constructed face.
Joy radiated from Kossin and his family. His father, Pastor Delou, says, "In this life each one of us need s help in some moments of our life. I can say that through Mercy S hips, we have found that help. Y ou can have a bad story - but, before the end of your life , God will open a door and smile deep into your heart. I know that God is working through Mercy Ships for the best in my life and in Kossi n 's life ."
Kossin is ecstatic about his new life. He can go to church with his family and friends. He's no longer an object of ridicule. And - best of all - in September of 2010, Kossin will be able to start school to fulfil his resurrected dream of becoming a teacher.

Written by Joy Clary Edited by Nancy Predaina Photos by Debra Bell and Liz Cantu

The great difference between working Emergency back home and working on the ships surgical ward is that we actually got to spend time with and get to know our patients. I had Kossin as a patient a few days and had the opportunity to hear his story in talking with his father. Kossin's father is a local pastor of one of the church's in Lome. He explained how Kossin was not permitted to go to school because of his deformity, even though he had the books and uniforms. Kossin's friends mocked him so he had become shy and withdrawn not leaving his house. Kossin's father was mocked by others saying 'God can do miracles through you, yet your own son can't be healed'. Kossin's father's reply was that in God's time he would be healed.
Because witchcraft is much more prevalent in Africa witches tried to get involved in Kossin's life, trying to practice their witchcraft on him. When one witch was on her way to the Delou household she was struck dead. Pastor Delou rebuked these witch's work. What an amazing man with a big faith! So encouraging!


This is Afi. She is 19 yrs old. I don't know her story but I wish I did. Although she was my patient for a few shifts, I did not make the time to hear her story, and in hindsight I really wish I would have. She was so shy and withdrawn, so sad. Comparing 19 yr olds 'self image' problems back home to hers...well let's just say, there's not any comparison. I don't remember her ever having visitors, I'd like to think some did come on my days off. She had multiple surgeries and will be flown to Sierre Leone next year where the ship will be docked. Please send up a prayer for her.

The first day I saw Abel, I couldn't believe my eyes! So many of these conditions seem so surreal and literally you can hardly believe your eyes!

Abel & his father got to meet Togo's President Gnassingbe when he visited the ship.

Abel walking with his crutch's & straight legs at our hospitality center.
Cast's off, home time!!
Abel had a normal childhood until a problem arose following an injection. His parents noticed he was having difficulty learning to crawl. His muscles had stopped growing, but his bones had not. As a result, his legs were not growing correctly because there was so little musculature to direct them. They began to bend backward at the knee, forcing his upper thighs out behind him. His parents took him to three different doctors, but none of them knew what to do for him.
Despite this condition, the resolute Abel learned to lean forward, correcting his balance enough to walk, climb and do just about anything any other active boy can do. He even became the goalkeeper on his football (soccer) team. The only thing he couldn’t do was ride a bicycle, since it requires sitting straight on the seat and pushing down on the pedals.
Abel’s physical deformity made him the target of ridicule from other children. But he remained optimistic thanks to his joyful spirit and his wonderfully supportive parents.
One day, there was an announcement on the radio that a Mercy Ship was coming to Togo, offering free surgeries. Abel’s hopeful father took his son to an orthopedic screening in Lomè.
A few days later, a wonderful surprise awaited Abel when he awoke after his first surgery onboard the Africa Mercy. His left leg was straight out in front of him, wrapped in a cast! As he admired his newly straightened leg, he asked his dad if his right leg would also be straight after the next surgery. His father assured him that it would. Abel jubilantly declared, “If the other leg is going to be like this one, I am going to give a big thanks to the Lord.” And a second surgery did straighten his right leg. He also had a third procedure – plastic surgery on his knees.
Through the round of surgeries and post-operative care, Abel’s sparkling personality and brilliant smile earned him many new friends among the crew and among the other children recovering at the HospitalityCenter.
Even though Abel loves soccer, his long-term goal is not to become a famous soccer player. He is now determined to become a surgeon, like those on the Mercy Ship, “because of the things they have done for me,” he said.
Finally, after more than three months of surgery and recovery, it was time to return home to the village of Homa, deep in the bush. Abel and his father, accompanied by a Mercy Ships team, climbed into the Mercy Ships Land Rover to start the six-hour journey.
And it was quite a journey! The Land Rover struggled for more than two hours to traverse the muddy, deep-puddled pathway to Homa. In fourth gear, the intrepid vehicle clawed its way over mucky mounds and through watery ruts. Occasionally, passers-by paused to see if the car would win its battle with the road. A semi-truck stuck diagonally in the mud almost ended the trip. But the Rover squeezed by, narrowly missing the swamp on the right and the side mirrors of the truck on the left.
Perseverance was rewarded when they finally arrived at the village. As villagers recognized the Mercy Ships logo on the vehicle, they ran to spread the word. Soon the Land Rover was surrounded by curious villagers who wanted to see what the volunteer doctors had done for the boy with the backward legs.
The suspense ended abruptly when the star of the show, a very happy Abel, climbed out of the vehicle … with two straight legs! There were gasps of surprise, disbelieving stares, and cheers.
Abel, dressed in his cheerful blue and yellow outfit, was the center of attention. The other boys in the village stood quietly nearby. Could this be the same Abel that they had insulted, beaten up, and called names?
Abel kicked a small soccer ball with his wonderfully straightened legs, and not one of the boys moved. Abel, who had never retaliated during the mistreatment, smiled graciously at them. He was clearly the uncontested victor on every level.
A beautifully prepared meal was provided for the Mercy Ships crew at the home of the village pastor. It was enjoyed with great appreciation.
The Dalome family – all 20 or so members – squeezed together for a photo commemorating this fantastic and unforgettable moment. Abel’s grandfather joyfully pronounced, “Now, I know there is a God because I see Abel has straight legs.”
When it came time for the team to leave, the villagers vigorously shook the hands of each crew member and expressed their thanks, saying, “God bless Mercy Ships.”

Story by Elaine B. WinnEdited by Nancy PredainaPhotos by Debra Bell and Liz Cantu

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